black magic spell

Because it can bring about horrendous times for the person to whom the Witchcraft is directed, please do not request this unless it is absolutely necessary.

Please Request only if Witchcraft Spells
· Someone’s evil is “intentionally” standing in the way of your life path, preventing you from achieving success and happiness.
· Someone with evil intentions has vowed to destroy you, whether it be by their direct or indirect actions.
· Someone is jealous of you and wants you to suffer emotionally, financially or otherwise.
· Someone is out to get you and it is only a matter of time before they get their wish, thus leaving you no choice but to act first.
If any or all of the above sounds familiar, this could be your opportunity to make things right, to try and put your life back on its rightful course, and to try and get even with the one who has done you

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