Divination spells

Divination spells are a type of magic that can provide insight into the future or reveal hidden information. These spells have been used for centuries by people seeking knowledge and guidance beyond what is visible in the physical world. Whether you’re looking to predict the outcome of a situation, find lost objects, or communicate with spirits, divination spells can be a powerful tool.

To cast a divination spell, practitioners often use tools such as tarot cards, crystal balls, or pendulums. Each tool has its own unique properties and requires different methods of interpretation. For example, tarot cards are typically used for readings that focus on specific questions or situations, while crystal balls are often used for scrying – gazing into the ball to see visions or symbols.

It’s important to note that while divination spells can offer valuable insights and guidance, they should be approached with caution and respect. The forces involved in these types of spells are not always fully understood and should be treated with reverence.

There are many different types of divination spells available, each with its own set of practices and beliefs. Some common forms include tarot readings, rune casting, and scrying. Practitioners may have differing opinions on how magic works and what it means to them personally.

Understanding Divination Spells: A Beginner’s Guide

Approaching Divination Spells with an Open Mind

Divination spells have been used for centuries by those seeking guidance, insight, and answers. These spells are a type of magic that allows the caster to gain information about the past, present, or future. While they can be used for a variety of purposes, it’s important to approach them with an open mind and a willingness to receive whatever information is revealed.

Tools Used in Divination Spells

Divination spells often require the use of tools such as tarot cards, crystal balls, or runes to help focus the caster’s energy and interpret the information received. Each tool has its own unique symbolism and meaning that can provide additional insights into the messages received during a divination spell.

Tarot Cards

One common tool used in divination spells is tarot cards. Tarot cards are a deck of cards with symbolic images that provide guidance and insight. There are many different types of tarot decks available, each with its own unique imagery and meanings.

When using tarot cards for divination spells, it’s important to have a clear intention and to approach the practice with an open mind. The reader will shuffle the deck while focusing on their question or intention before drawing one or more cards from the deck. The images on these cards can then be interpreted to provide guidance or insight into the situation at hand.

Crystal Balls

Another tool commonly used in divination spells is crystal balls. Crystal balls are believed to amplify psychic energy and allow users to see visions or receive messages from spirits or other entities.

To use a crystal ball for divination spells, one must first cleanse it by holding it under running water or smudging it with sage. Once cleansed, the user will hold the crystal ball in their hands while focusing on their question or intention before gazing into its reflective surface.


Runes are another tool used in divination spells that date back thousands of years. Runes are a set of symbols that can be carved onto stones or other materials and used to provide guidance or insight.

To use runes for divination spells, the user will first cleanse them by holding them under running water or smudging them with sage. Once cleansed, the user will hold the bag of runes while focusing on their question or intention before drawing one or more runes from the bag. The symbol on each rune can then be interpreted to provide guidance or insight into the situation at hand.

Approaching Divination Spells with an Open Mind

It’s important to approach divination spells with an open mind and a willingness to receive whatever information is revealed. While these spells can provide valuable insights, they are not always 100% accurate and should be used as a tool for guidance rather than a definitive answer.

When using divination spells, it’s important to have a clear intention and to focus your energy on your question or intention. This will help ensure that you receive accurate and meaningful messages during your spell.

School of Divination: Armor, Weapons, Feats, and Features

Armor, Weapons, Feats, and Features of the School of Divination

The School of Divination is one of the eight schools of magic in Dungeons & Dragons. As mentioned earlier, it focuses on spells that allow the caster to see into the future or gain insight into their surroundings. However, this school offers more than just divination spells. Wizards who specialize in this school can also gain proficiency in certain weapons and armor, making them more versatile in combat situations.

Armor Proficiency

Wizards are not known for their physical prowess or durability. They rely on their spells to keep themselves safe from harm. However, wizards who specialize in the School of Divination can gain proficiency with light armor through a feature called “Diviner’s Armor.” This feature allows them to wear light armor without suffering any penalties for their spellcasting abilities.

Weapons Proficiency

In addition to armor proficiency, wizards who specialize in the School of Divination can also gain proficiency with certain weapons through a feature called “Weapon Training.” This feature allows them to choose two weapons from a specific list and gain proficiency with those weapons. The list includes simple melee weapons like daggers and spears as well as ranged weapons like crossbows and short bows.


Feats are special abilities that characters can acquire as they level up. They provide unique benefits that enhance a character’s capabilities beyond what is provided by class features alone. The School of Divination offers several feats that are particularly useful for wizards.

One such feat is Alert. This feat grants a +5 bonus to initiative rolls and prevents characters from being surprised while they are conscious. This is particularly useful for wizards who need to act quickly in combat situations.

Another useful feat for diviners is Observant. This feat grants a +5 bonus to passive Wisdom (Perception) and passive Intelligence (Investigation) scores. It also allows characters to read lips if they understand the language being spoken. This is useful for gathering information and detecting hidden enemies or traps.


The School of Divination offers several unique features that are not available to other wizards. One such feature is Portent. This feature allows the wizard to replace any d20 roll with a roll they have foreseen. The wizard rolls two d20s at the beginning of each day and records those results. They can then use those results to replace any d20 roll made by themselves or another creature within 30 feet of them.

Another useful feature for diviners is Expert Divination. This feature allows the wizard to regain spell slots when they cast divination spells of 2nd level or higher. The spell slot must be of a level lower than the spell that was cast, but this can be a lifesaver in long dungeon crawls or extended battles.


Of course, no discussion about the School of Divination would be complete without mentioning some of its most powerful spells. Clairvoyance and Scrying are two such spells that allow wizards to see and hear events from afar.

Clairvoyance allows the wizard to create an invisible sensor at a location within range (1 mile). The sensor provides visual and auditory information about that location for up to 10 minutes per casting.

Scrying allows the wizard to observe a creature or location from anywhere on the same plane of existence as them. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or be detected by the scrying spell. Once detected, the wizard can see and hear everything within 10 feet of the target for up to 10 minutes per casting.

Exploring the Features and Feats of the School of Divination

The School of Divination is a wizard school that specializes in divination magic, granting its students powerful abilities to read minds and predict events. The diviners who graduate from this school are highly sought after in any adventuring party, as their abilities can help plan and strategize for encounters ahead of time. Intelligence is a key attribute for diviners, as their abilities rely heavily on their mental prowess and ability to interpret visions and signs.

One of the most useful features of the School of Divination is the ability to scry on distant locations. This can be incredibly helpful when trying to gather information about an enemy stronghold or locate a hidden treasure trove. By using divination spells, a skilled diviner can peer into far-off places without ever leaving their current location.

Another important feature of the School of Divination is its ability to uncover hidden secrets and traps. In many cases, adventurers will encounter puzzles or obstacles that seem insurmountable without some kind of magical assistance. With their psychic abilities, diviners can often detect hidden switches or passages that would otherwise go unnoticed.

Of course, one of the most impressive feats that a diviner can accomplish is predicting future events. While this may not always be possible with 100% accuracy, even a vague sense of what’s to come can be incredibly valuable in planning out a course of action. For example, if a diviner senses that an ambush lies ahead on the road, they might suggest taking an alternate route or setting up an ambush of their own.

The DM can use divination spells to favor or support the party by providing clues or hints to help them progress through the story. This could include anything from revealing secret weaknesses in an enemy’s defenses to providing insight into how best to approach negotiations with hostile NPCs.

In terms of specific abilities granted by the School of Divination, there are several noteworthy ones worth mentioning. One such ability is “Portent,” which allows a diviner to roll two d20s at the start of each day and record those rolls. Later on, they can replace any attack roll, ability check, or saving throw made by themselves or an ally with one of the recorded rolls. This can be incredibly useful in situations where success is crucial.

Another powerful ability granted by the School of Divination is “Third Eye,” which allows a diviner to gain dark vision out to a range of 60 feet. Additionally, they can use an action to see through solid objects within that range for one minute. This can be incredibly helpful when trying to locate hidden compartments or secret doors.

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Example Build for Divination Spells: Ability Scores and Probability

powerful Divination spells

Ability Scores and Probability for Divination Spell Builds

There are several factors to consider. One of the most important is ability scores. In particular, high scores in Intelligence and Wisdom are crucial for success.

Intelligence is important because it affects your spellcasting ability as a wizard. The higher your Intelligence score, the more powerful your spells will be. Additionally, many divination spells require an Intelligence check to determine their effectiveness.

Wisdom is also important because it affects your ability to perceive and interpret information. Many divination spells rely on Wisdom checks to provide accurate information about the future or other events.

In addition to high ability scores, there are other ways to increase the probability of successful divination spells. One option is to take feats such as Lucky or Bountiful Luck. These feats allow you to reroll dice rolls or grant bonuses to allies’ rolls, respectively. Both can greatly enhance the likelihood of success when casting divination spells.

Multiclassing into classes such as Cleric or Sorcerer can also be beneficial for a divination spell build. Both classes offer additional spell slots that can be used for casting more divination spells.

Magic items can further enhance the probability of successful divination spells. The Ioun Stone of Mastery grants a +1 bonus to all Intelligence-based checks, including those used for casting and interpreting divination spells. The Robe of Eyes allows you to see invisible creatures and objects, which can be useful when gathering information through scrying or other means.

It’s important to note that while high ability scores and these additional options can increase the probability of successful divination spells, they should not come at the expense of other necessary skills and abilities for a well-rounded character build. It’s essential to balance these factors with others such as combat abilities, social skills, and utility magic.

Mastering Divination Spells by Level: 4th, 2nd, and 6th Level Spells


4th Level Divination Spells: Powerful Scrying Abilities


4th level spells are some of the most powerful and versatile. These spells grant the caster the ability to scry on distant locations, allowing them to see and hear what is happening in a specific area. This can be incredibly useful for gathering intelligence on enemies or keeping tabs on important locations.

One of the most popular 4th-level divination spells is “Scrying”. This spell allows the caster to see and hear what is happening in a specific location, as long as they have a personal item or likeness of the target. With this spell, you can spy on your enemies from afar or keep an eye on important locations without ever leaving your own home.

Another useful 4th-level divination spell is “Locate Creature”. As its name suggests, this spell allows you to locate a specific creature within a certain radius. This can be incredibly helpful when trying to track down elusive targets or find lost companions.

But perhaps one of the most powerful 4th-level divination spells is “Divination” itself. This spell grants you a single answer to any question that you ask regarding a specific goal, event, or activity that will occur within seven days. With this spell, you can gain valuable insights into future events and make more informed decisions based on that knowledge.

2nd Level Divination Spells: Detecting Magic and Finding Hidden Objects


While not as powerful as their higher-level counterparts, 2nd level divination spells are still incredibly useful for detecting magic and finding hidden objects.

One such spell is “Detect Magic”, which allows you to sense magic within a certain radius. This can be particularly helpful when exploring unknown areas or investigating suspicious objects.

Another useful 2nd level divination spell is “Find Traps”. As its name suggests, this spell helps you detect traps within a certain area. This can be incredibly helpful when exploring dangerous areas or trying to avoid traps set by your enemies.

But perhaps one of the most versatile 2nd level divination spells is “Locate Object”. With this spell, you can locate a specific object within a certain radius. This can be incredibly helpful when trying to find lost items or tracking down important artifacts.

6th Level Divination Spells: Seeing into the Future and Gaining Knowledge


At 6th level, divination spells become even more powerful, granting the caster the ability to see into the future and gain knowledge of events yet to come.

One such spell is “True Seeing”, which allows you to see through illusions and disguises, as well as revealing hidden objects and creatures. With this spell, you can uncover secrets that would otherwise remain hidden from view.

Another powerful 6th-level divination spell is “Legend Lore”. This spell allows you to learn information about a specific person, place, or object. With this spell, you can gain valuable insights into ancient artifacts or uncover long-forgotten secrets.

But perhaps one of the most powerful 6th-level divination spells is “Foresight”. This spell grants you a supernatural ability to sense danger before it happens. With this spell, you can avoid potential threats and make more informed decisions based on your knowledge of future events.

Mastering Divination Spells: Understanding Magic Mechanics and Focusing Your Mind


Mastering divination spells requires a deep understanding of the mechanics of magic and the ability to focus one’s mind. To become an expert in divination magic, it’s important to study ancient texts and learn from experienced practitioners.

In addition to studying theory, it’s also important to practice focusing your mind. Divination spells require intense concentration and mental discipline in order to work effectively. By practicing meditation and other mindfulness techniques, you can improve your ability to focus your mind and achieve greater success with your divination spells.

The Power of Divination Spells: Increasing Accuracy and Detail with Higher Levels


As you progress in level as a caster, the power of your divination spells will increase. This allows for more accurate and detailed information to be gleaned from these spells.

For example, a 4th level “Scrying” spell may only allow you to see and hear what’s happening in a specific location. But at higher levels, you may be able to gain additional information about the people or creatures present in that location, as well as their motivations and intentions.

Similarly, a 2nd level “Locate Object” spell may only allow you to find a specific item within a certain radius. But at higher levels, you may be able to gain additional information about the history and significance of that object.

Divination Spells: Versatile Tools for Gathering Intelligence and Uncovering Secrets


Divination spells can be used in a variety of situations, from gathering intelligence on enemies to uncovering hidden secrets and treasures. By mastering these powerful spells, you can gain valuable insights into the world around you and make more informed decisions based on that knowledge.

Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or just starting out on your magical journey, divination spells are an essential tool for any aspiring caster. So why not start practicing today? With dedication and hard work, you too can become an expert in the art of divination magic!

Advanced Divination Spells: 7th Level, Rituals, and 2nd Level Spells


As wizards become more experienced in the art of divination, they gain access to advanced spells that require higher spell slots. These spells allow them to gain deeper insights into their surroundings and even scry on other wizards or entire cities. In this section, we will explore the world of advanced divination spells, including 7th level spells, rituals, and 2nd level spells.

7th Level Divination Spells


At the 7th level of spellcasting, wizards can cast powerful divination spells that provide them with unparalleled insight into their surroundings. For example, the spell “Vision” allows a wizard to see and hear events happening at a specific location up to one mile away. This spell is incredibly useful for gathering information about enemy movements or scouting out new areas.

Another powerful 7th level divination spell is “Scrying,” which allows a wizard to observe another creature from afar. With this spell, a wizard can spy on other wizards or even entire cities without being detected. However, it’s important to note that some creatures may be immune to scrying attempts or may have magical defenses in place.



In addition to standard spells, many divination spells can also be cast as rituals. Rituals are a slower but more thorough way of casting a spell that allows the caster to gather more information than they would with a standard spell. For example, the “Commune” ritual allows a wizard to ask questions of their deity or another divine entity and receive answers in return.

However, casting a ritual requires time and effort beyond what is required for standard casting. The caster must gather special components and spend additional time performing various incantations and gestures.

2nd Level Divination Spells


While not as powerful as their higher-level counterparts, some 2nd level spells can also be used for divination purposes. For example, “Detect Thoughts” allows a wizard to read the surface thoughts of another creature within range. This spell can be incredibly useful for interrogating prisoners or uncovering hidden motives.

Another useful 2nd level divination spell is “Locate Object,” which allows a wizard to locate a specific object within 1,000 feet. This spell can be used to find lost items or track down important artifacts.

Magical Defenses and Countermeasures


While powerful, divination spells are not foolproof. Other wizards may attempt to block or interfere with these spells using magical defenses and countermeasures. For example, the spell “Nondetection” makes it difficult for other wizards to scry on the caster or read their thoughts.

To counteract these defenses, a wizard must have a strong understanding of magical theory and counter-spelling techniques. They may also need to use more subtle methods of gathering information, such as disguising themselves or using non-magical means like espionage.

Managing Resources


Finally, it’s important for wizards to manage their resources carefully when casting advanced divination spells. These spells require higher-level spell slots and often consume significant amounts of magical energy. Wizards must balance their desire for information with their need to conserve their resources for future battles.

Key Takeaways on Divination Spells


Interpreting Divination Spells


Divination spells are a type of magic that has been practiced for centuries. These spells allow the caster to gain insights into the past, present, or future. The information gained from these spells can be used for a variety of purposes, including gaining insight into a situation, predicting the outcome of an event, or uncovering hidden knowledge.

One of the most common types of divination spells is scrying. Scrying involves gazing into a reflective surface such as a crystal ball or mirror in order to gain insights into the future. This type of divination requires intense concentration and focus on the part of the caster.

Another popular form of divination is tarot reading. Tarot cards are used to gain insight into various aspects of life such as love, career, and financial matters. Each card has its own unique meaning and symbolism that must be interpreted by the reader.

Rune casting is another form of divination that involves casting stones with symbols on them in order to gain insight into a particular situation. The symbols on each stone have their own unique meanings that must be interpreted by the caster.

Regardless of which type of divination spell is being used, it is important for the caster to have a deep understanding of the symbols and meanings involved in order to interpret them correctly. It takes years of practice and experience to become proficient at interpreting these messages accurately.

The effectiveness of any divination spell depends on several factors including the skill and experience level of the caster as well as their ability to interpret messages correctly. Even experienced casters can misinterpret messages if they are not paying close attention or if they allow their emotions to cloud their judgment.

It is also important for casters to approach these spells with caution and respect for the forces they tap into. Divination spells can be powerful tools for gaining insight and guidance but should never be taken lightly or used frivolously.

Wrapping Up: The Power of Divination Spells in Your Practice


Congratulations! You have made it to the end of this beginner’s guide to divination spells. By now, you should have a better understanding of what divination spells are, how they work, and how they can be used in your practice.

As we have discussed throughout this article, divination spells are a powerful tool for any magic user. They allow you to tap into the unseen forces that govern our world and gain insight into the future. Whether you are looking to gain clarity on a personal issue or make strategic decisions in your business, divination spells can help you achieve your goals.

But as with any form of magic, casting divination spells requires practice and patience. It is important to remember that not every spell will produce the desired outcome, and that’s okay. Magic is not an exact science – it is an art form that requires experimentation and exploration.

That being said, there are certain steps you can take to increase your chances of success when casting divination spells. First and foremost, it is important to cultivate a strong connection with your intuition. This means taking time each day to meditate, reflect on your thoughts and feelings, and listen to your inner voice.

Additionally, it is helpful to keep a journal of your experiences with divination spells. Write down the details of each spell you cast – including the date, time, location, materials used, and any insights or visions you received during the process. Over time, you may begin to notice patterns or themes emerging that can help guide your future spellwork.

Finally, don’t be afraid to seek out guidance from experienced practitioners or mentors in the field of magic. There is much wisdom to be gained from those who have walked this path before us – so don’t hesitate to ask questions or seek advice when needed.

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